The Impact of Devices on Adult Sleep Deprivation

Tossing and turning and find yourself tired on a regular basis? Scientists and doctors recognize a link to electronic devices and insomnia. Screen time causes cognitive stimulation, which results in sleep deprivation. Smartphones and artificial light also increase your brain’s electrical activity, causing neurons to race and divert you from the achieving the peaceful state of mind necessary for a good night’s sleep.

Additionally, the act of responding to text messages, reading emails or browsing through social media sites at night, further engages our minds and thus the tension in our bodies, which results in stress levels rising. In response to this stress, the body produces a hormone called cortisol which is released by the adrenal glands. This hormone is counterintuitive to sleep and causes humans to stay awake.

The brain works to create a hormone, melatonin, which is responsible for regulating our sleep-wake cycles. When someone absorbs too much artificial light at or before bedtime, it directly affects the amount of melatonin produced, which makes it difficult to fall asleep. Our bodies are designed to produce melatonin in response to a decrease in light, such as when the sun sets. When someone is on their Smartphone all evening, the artificial light emitted by the screen gives the brain the impression that it’s still daylight out. The best way to help the body know it’s time for bed is to stop playing on electronic devices one to two hours before bedtime.

A recent study conducted by Harvard Medical School shows that certain wavelengths of light work to suppress the body from producing melatonin. Another study conducted by the National Sleep Foundation found that adults that watched television before going to bed had a more difficult time falling asleep and achieving a good night’s sleep than participants that did not watch TV or view electronic device screens before bedtime.

Limiting screen time before bed is the best way to help reset your body’s circadian rhythm. In today’s modern world, that may not be possible since Americans work longer hours than their counterparts in other nations. BluTech Lenses invented an innovative lens that helps to block out the harmful blue light rays emitted by electronic devices that result in poor melatonin production.  These lenses will help block the blue light rays that are responsible for so many Americans who have insomnia and other sleep-related disorders.


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